Prof. Abdulaziz S. Al-Turbak
Board MemberBiography
Prof. Abdulaziz obtained his B.Sc in 1971 in Hydrology and Water Resources from University of Wisconsin, U.S.A., his MSc degree in 1978 followed by his PhD degree in 1983 from Colorado State University.
Prof. Abdulaziz currently holds the academic position of Professor, Civil Engineering Department, King Saud University (KSU), Saudi Arabia and he has Dean of College of Engineering, KSU from six years (1999-2005) . He also served as Chairman, Civil Engineering Department, KSU 1988-1992, Member of the board of Journal of Engineering Sciences, KSU 1995-1999 and Member of the KSU Scientific Council and Member of College of Engineering Council 1996-1999.
He served as member of many past and present technical committees (working on water related problems), he also worked as a consultant to Ministry of Agriculture & Water 1984 – 1988, Consultant to Ministry of Economy and Planning from 1993 - 2005 while participated in many consultative works to governmental and non-governmental organization and institutions.
Prof. Abdulaziz has participated in a number of scientific and research activities such as principal investigator and co-investigator in many research projects funded by KACST (King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology). Published more than 60 articles and lectures in local, regional and international journals and conferences, review of many articles submitted to refereed regional and international journals and Review of Promotional papers.